Love Healing by J

Manifest true success by getting self-doubt out of your way

Oftentimes when we imagine our future for love, a career, a new house, there is one or more critical detail we cannot materialize, no matter how much we try to form it. This could be a desire to receive love from the man/woman you imagine loving or being promoting to the next two executive levels you know you deserve, or it could be envisioning the perfect house with an inground pool by the ocean. This happens when we doubt ourselves from believing we can fully manifest our true desires.

The self-doubt you feel could be the result of an emotional energy block embedded in your memories from an experience that convinced you that you do not deserve happiness. Know that this doubt is a lie, and you can remove it in 3 steps.

3 Steps to Release Self-Doubt from Your Emotional Body

Before you begin, place yourself in a comfortable, resting position in a quiet space. You may play meditative music or just think in silence. Make sure to remove any thing that may distract you. Consider silencing your phone.

Step 1: Identify the source of your doubt.

Look inside your memories (recent or past) to discover the origin or source of your feeling of doubt.

Step 2: Understand why you are feeling doubt.

When you’ve found it, examine what happened to make you feel this way and how much time you are spending replaying and thinking of different outcomes if you changed your behavior. How are you feeling about yourself?

Remove thoughts of others who are a part of your memory. Just focus on yourself and your feelings. Take note of other emotions that come up.

You might feel fear, lack of self-confidence, anger, etc. You may need to release these other emotions as they are also emotional blocks to realizing your dreams.

Step 3: Release doubt

Take the emotions associated with the memory and start to change your mind by replacing all of the negative thoughts of fear, rejection and doubt with positive thoughts of love, acceptance and self-confidence.

Start by disinviting the negative energy by reciting, I disinvite fear, I disinvite rejection, I disinvite doubt for at least a minute. Then recite positive affirmations, “I accept myself,” “I can do anything,” “I am love,” “I respect myself,” “I am confident,” etc, for at least a minute.

During this exercise you may feel energy moving throughout your body and you may yawn, sneeze or burp. Don’t worry, this is a sign that you are releasing these emotions.

To know for sure. Replay the memory you’ve identified in Step 1. If you feel completely detached from emotions, Congratulations, you have released and freed yourself of doubt.

If you still feel doubt, then you have more work to do. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as you need until you are completely detached from doubt.

If you need help releasing doubt, please book some time with me for a Chakra Reading and/or Energy Healing Session. I’m here to help you. Namaste

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Meet Janis

Janis is a Spiritual Intuitive and Energy Healer who uses her gifts to help clients identify and release the negative and stagnant emotions that are disrupting the balanced energy flow around their chakras.